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Technology - Tales From The Road

The Possible Origins of Sars-Cov-2

  • Teaser: This has become a very hot topic politically as well as medically.
The conventional theory is that it was passed on from bats to humans at markets in Wuhan, China. While it is true that bats, as well as pigs, fowl and other animals pass on viruses in a mutated form to humans, at this point it is still just...

Pseudopandemic: A Book Review. Part Two

PART TWO:    Chapter 6: Pseudopandemic lockdowns: Chapter 7: Covid Catch 22; Chapter 8: Unthinkable Happens; Chapter 9: The Pseudopandemic Opportunity; Chapter 10: The Official Story; Chapter 11; Hybrid War Summary: The...

Pseudopandemic: A Book Reivew: Part Three

PART THREE: THE CONSEQUENCES OF LOCKDOWNS ETC AND HIDDEN AGENDAS Chapter 12: Lockdown Mortality; Chapter 13: Core Beliefs; Chapter 14: Population Control Eugenics; Chapter 15: Sustainable Eugenics; Chapter 16: Technocracy Rising; Chapter 17:...

Pseudopandemic: A Book Reivew: Part Eight

  • Teaser: THE TIMING OF THE PSEUDOPANDEMIC: WHY NOW AND WHO WILL BENEFIT The timing of the pandemic and its exploitation is important to see in order to understand what is at stake. The financial pressures being put on the global system with the geo-political uncertainties, especially in the USA and the state of the US Dollar as the global reserve currency has put more pressure on global elites to act
PART EIGHT: THE TIMING OF THE PSEUDOPANDEMIC: WHY NOW AND WHO WILL BENEFIT Chapter 27: Pseudopandemic Trigger Event; Chapter 28: We Can Reset the World   Summary: The timing of the pandemic and its exploitation is important to see in...

What is E10 fuel and is it safe

  • Teaser: Riding motorbikes is a great thing to do. But you have to look after them and know what kind of fuel to use
An interesting article on, a motorcyle site discussed the new fuel being seen in the UK now and already seen in other...

Vaccines and the Surveillance Society: The Technocracy is Already Here

  • Teaser: This article was written originally in February/March 2021, claiming that forms of vaccine/health pass compromise our freedom and human rights. it also warned how the technology use to collect data on us can be used by private corporations and be a form of control. Fast forward 8 months and we are at the edge of the precipice. Mandatory vaccines are getting closer, which means ongoing, constant surveillance. The nightmare is in full daylight. 
Vaccines and the Surveillance Society: The Technocracy is Already Here This article was written originally in February/March 2021, claiming that forms of vaccine/health pass compromise our freedom and human rights. it also warned how...